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Sigma Alpha Recruitment


I was elected the Recruitment Director for Sigma Alpha, the professional Agricultural Sorority. I was in charge of planning events for the 2023 year. This included a Spring and Fall Recruitment season. I designed all promotional materials for Sigma Alpha in the span of this time and curated two themed two-week requirement seasons. 


Falling in Love with Sigma Alpha - Spring Recruitment ran from February 6 - February 19, 2023.

It was Written in the Stars - Fall Recruitment ran from September 11-September 24, 2023. 

Generalized Materials

Sigma Alpha Pamphlet.png
Sigma Alpha Pamphlet (1).png

Used at FFA State Convention as well as Quad day to inform PNMs of who we are and what we do.

Social Media Post
Sigma Alpha - Small Handout.png
Business Cards
Taylor (1).png

Informational post for ACES Academics.

Spring Recruitment

Email Signature

Used to advertise our events at Quad Day and on social media stories

Recruitment Signature.png

Signed all emails with this.

Calendar of Events

Used to keep everyone organized with event dates

Orientation Slides
Trivia Slides
Social Media Post

Posted on the Sigma Alpha Instagram to welcome new members into our sorority. 

Ice-Breaker Slides
Bid Day

Fall Recruitment

Email Signature
Recruitment Poster.png

Used to advertise our events at Quad Day and on social media stories

Recruitment Signature (1).png

Signed all emails with this.

Orientation Slides
Pre-Recruitment Slides
Social Media Post
Professional Development Slides
Pre-Recruitment Story.png
Bid Day

Used to share link to sign up

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