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UIUC 2023 FFA Greenhand Conference


On October 4, 2023, the University of Illinois hosted a leadership conference for first year FFA members, Greenhands. I had the opportunity to be the chair of this conference. I directed and led a committee of 8 students to plan and coordinate the conference. We began working on the outline and plan in January of 2023. At the conference we had 723 students from 52 different FFA chapters around the state in attendance. The event profited over $3,000 for the Illinois Agricultual Education Program.

Event Graphics

Save the Date
UIUC Greenhand Conference '23.png
Save the Date: Hype Video

First graphic used to send out to the FFA Advisors as a Save the Date and Promotion for the conference. 

Greenhand Shirt Mockups.png
Conference Logo

Used throughout all of the designs as a cohesive connection to baseball (the theme of the conference) and the U of I. 

Social Media & Newsletter Post
Volunteers Needed.png

Used to sign up the 60+ volunteers needed to made the event happen. Posted on Instagram and facebook as well as in the ALEC program newsletter. 

Video made to get FFA members excited and ready to come to the conference.

Final Classroom Poster
UIUC Greenhand Conference '23 (1).png
Presentation Slides

Slides used by the facilitators during the conference

Choice of color changed for easy printing for the Advisors.

Want to see more?

Reach out and I can tell you all about it!

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